According to journalists, the article states that several unnamed persons from the Swiss federal administration stated that the planned visit of the President of Ukraine will most likely remain unconfirmed until the last moment. Yes, on Zelenskyi’s visit was never made. It will be recalled that in December the mass the export of arms in Association of Bankers owned by citizens of the Russian Federation in Switzerland.

According to estimates of the Swiss Association of Bankers, the assets of Russians frozen on owned by citizens of the Russian Federation which monitors the sanctions, said that the announced figure was not final and could is related to the over the past 12 months.

“It also covers presumed income from cash deposits, bonds, stocks, as well as real estate and luxury cars,” Reuters noted, adding that SECO declined to comment on whose assets were frozen.

In addition, Bern also blocked the movement of 7.4 billion francs in foreign currency assets belonging to the Russian central bank.

According to the agency, the assets frozen on December 1 constitute only a part of the total wealth owned by Russians in Switzerland. According to the estimates of the Swiss Bankers Association, 150 billion francs are placed in the country’s banks.

“Switzerland is participating in the discussions, but has not yet decided whether to support the proposal,” Reuters clarifies.

At the same time, Switzerland’s support had its limitations: the country rejected requests from other countries to allow sending Swiss weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, citing the country’s neutrality laws.

We will remind, on November 17, Focus wrote that France is negotiating with Switzerland regarding the re-export of weapons for the Armed Forces. According to the President of France, Ukraine should not weaken, despite other conflicts, in particular in the Middle East, so a decision was made to negotiate with the Swiss authorities.

As “European Truth” writes, Tages-Anzeiger reports this with reference to several independent sources who have been informed about the plans for the visit.

According to the publication, the Ukrainian leader is considering a visit to Bern on January 15 before his speech in Davos, which takes place from January 15 to 19.

According to Tages-Anzeiger sources, work on planning Zelenskyi’s visit has been underway since mid-December. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs did not confirm or deny this information.

Interlocutors of the publication from the federal administration note that the planned visit of the President of Ukraine will probably not be confirmed until the last moment.

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