A 26-year-old man from Guinea died during a police operation at the reception center for asylum seekers in Mülheim in western Germany.

As “European Truth” writes, this is reported by DW with reference to the police.

Police in Bochum say they are investigating the circumstances leading to the man’s death after being referred to them by police in nearby Mühlheim.

It is noted that the security service of the center informed the police on Saturday evening that the man attacked the staff. Police say that when they found him in his room, he also attacked them.

As the man resisted, the police say, they had to use a taser twice, while the incident was not over, and the fight moved into the courtyard of the center.

In the end, the law enforcement officers say, the man was calmed down and arrested. During the incident, two policemen were bitten, and a woman was kicked in the head. An ambulance was called to assist the migrant and the police.

In the ambulance, the man lost consciousness during treatment. He was then taken to the hospital, where he died.

In Germany in 2023, the number of attacks on refugees and asylum seekers, as well as on migrant hostels, has increased significantly.

Last year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz agreed on a tougher migration policy and new funding for refugees with the heads of 16 German states.

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